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29 July 2014
2014 Dialogue Day - PROGRAMME & SPEAKERS CONFIRMED, bookings open with early bird discount available
Thursday 9th October 2014
Woburn House, London
To be opened by Andy Westwood, Chief Executive of GuildHE, with an overview of the sector post 2014-15 recruitment, our Dialogue Day will focus on two key issues at this significant time for the sector as we approach an open, competitive market:
· how Universities respond to the removal of student number controls in terms of the marketability of our offer, competition and differentiation in a context of high regulation;
· risk benchmarking, the profile of risks for the sector and how we as managers and leaders need to manage and respond to them.
As with previous Dialogue Days, whilst we will have expert presentations on both these topics, they will lead into workshop-style discussions so we can explore challenges for our own institutions, share ideas and good practice. Andy Westwood will end our day sharing his thoughts on the key risks and threats for the sector and why, despite these, we should be optimistic about the future of UK higher education. It is sure to be an enjoyable and information day!
BOOKING FORM - Dialogue Day, 9th October 2014
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04 February 2020
A new decade, and never has staff and student engagement in Higher Education been so relevant. Student and staff engagement are emergent themes in higher educ... Read More